Samsung Hero 3G Specs, Price, Review

Posted by Admin in

Samsung Hero 3G E3213 is the new affordable price 3G mobile phone launched by Samsung India . It is the sibling of the another Samsung 3G mobile – Samsung Hero 3G E3210 . The key difference between the two is the video calling capability of the new Samsung Hero 3G E3213 due to its front camera . The new Samsung Hero E3213 sports dual camera – front and rear . It is one of the cheapest price video calling mobile phone with 3G HSDPA support . Samsung Hero 3G Samsung Hero 3G E3213 is a Hero Series mobile comes with exiting features. Samsung Hero 3G E3213 has some modern touches with sophisticated look and style. The silver accent lining the...

my first post

Posted by Admin

Kamis 4 juni 2009 ternyata membuat blog itu susah susah gampang.ini adalah postingku yang pertama jadi harap maklum kalau blogku ini masih sangat sederhana.ketika jam menunjukkan pukul 02:00 aku mulai mencoba koneksi ke internetdan memulai membuat blogku yang pertama.pi anjing sulit banget buat blog dengan tampilan yang this is my frist posting i ever made...............buat para bloger yang dah jago mohon sarannya..kali2 aja ente ente semua berbaik hati menurunkan ilmu warisan ente ...
